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Web Server and Data Security

Get hackers' hands off your website!

Unmatched web application security, enhanced by real-time analytics, a best-of-breed security solution to protect your most valuable data asset. Our website security solution redefines and extends the way beyond traditional static firewalls and outdated security solutions. A unique cloud solution backed by market leading technology to give you one stop protection against the bad guys.

How web application firewall protects your website

How it works?


Cutting-edge Web Application Firewall

Using a PCI certified web application firewall, you are sure that your website is always fully protected against any kind of cyber-attacks.


Advanced bot protection

Thanks to advanced client classification technology, crowdsourcing and reputation based techniques, Web Server Protect distinguish between "good" and bad "bots". Scrapers, spammers and scanners are blocked while search engine or legitimate services are allowed to go on your website.


Backdoor Protect for full data security

Hackers often install malicious code (backdoor) on your website in order to access your data and application. Web Server Protect prevent backdoor install and quarantine backdoors already installed, making them ineffective.

In addition to all of these features that will provide your website a high level of security, Webserver Protect is also able to mitigate DDoS attacks to give you peace of mind and ensure data security on your website.


Stop the attacks before they reach your server.